Is Lipodissolve and Lipostabil the same as Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is the injection of vitamins and homeopathic medications into the mesoderm layer under the skin using a short 4 or 6 mm. meso needle. Lipodissolve (Lipostabil) uses a longer 13 mm. meso needle to inject phosphatidylcholine into the corporeal fat layer. Mesotherapy can be used in combination with Lipodissolve therapy in some cases with excellent results.


Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) is the main component of soy lecithin. One significant quaity of lecithin is its ability to break down fat. PPC is medically proven to reduce cholesterol, increase metabolism and enhance liver functons. PPC has been used by physicians for the past few years as a safe alternative for localized fat and cellulite reduction.


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